The Good Guy Defense – George De Young | Episode 15

George De Young was framed. And the Thai Police were in on it.

It’s funny, despite this being one of the show’s more incredible stories, George has never actually listened to The Lapse. He pitched me on a lark from a Craigslist ad. Even after our interview, he still had to ask, “what’s the show called again?” Hope we did you justice, George.

George De Young - The Good Guy Defense

Major thanks to Jessie Brennan for this week’s transcription! I forgot to credit you in the audio portion of the show. You’re the best.

If you’ve yet to contribute to our Patreon campaign, please consider it. There is a clock, and it is ticking.

Download The Good Guy Defense HERE on iTunes or stream it at the link below.

Pledge on Patreon

Hear me out. Make a pledge on Patreon.
The Lapse Storytelling Podcast has seen more praise than I can possibly account for in the short seven months I’ve run it. While oft mentioned alongside podcast heavyweights Radiolab, Snap Judgment, and even This American Life, The Lapse is indie to its core.

Why? Because it’s run by one guy. This guy.

Running a show like The Lapse is a full time gig. I spend hundreds of hours a month writing, curating, narrating, and editing the submissions we get. It is exhausting, penniless work. But it isn’t thankless. I have you to thank for that.

There are exclusive rewards in it for you, everything from behind the scenes access to personalized lessons in storytelling.
Donate now on Patreon and keep this sucker running for as little as $2 a month. That ensures the show has an ongoing, definitive source of funding.
Alternatively, you can also make one-time donation via the Paypal link on the right.

Thanks, everybody.

Awkward – Marshall Whitlock | Episode 14

Ah, the pity date. When you just don’t have a good enough excuse to say “no.”  Marshall Whitlock returns to The Lapse with what might be the funniest story we’ve ever had.

Do You Like Me?

Tact. Some got it. Some don’t. If you’re the cringing type, settle in. It gets awkward.

If this show brings you just the smallest bit of joy, please donate to our Patreon campaign. We’ve got rewards ranging from behind the scenes access to personalized lessons in storytelling, straight from me to you. You can keep The Lapse living for as little as $2.00 a month. An affordable cause, if ever there was one. Visit today.

Download Awkward HERE on iTunes or stream it at the link below.

Watch Kyle Gest on The Audience Canada

Full episodes of The Audience Canada are now available online, courtesy of The W Network, and you can watch them right here at The Lapse!

This is reality TV in its finest form. Every week, fifty strangers are tasked with tailing one person with a dilemma. Part arm-chair psychologist, part peanut gallery, at the end of the week these fifty cats have to come to a consensus. How do they solve this person’s dilemma? It’s a patently absurd idea. And I, Kyle Gest, was a big honkin’ part of it.

Kyle Gest on The Audience Canada

I’m not averse to conflict. I relish it. Heck, I thrive in it. The digging we were forced to do was extraordinary, shearing through personal details, sometimes tactful, often tactless. Which is, perhaps, why I’m on TV a little more than I anticipated.

Cross my heart. One of these days, I’ll tell you the full story. In the meantime, watch yours truly duke it out on national television.

Watch The Audience Canada Episode 3, “Karita” with Kyle Gest

Crew Change – Becka Vees | Episode 13

“Where do I download The Crew Change?

You won’t find it. Not unless you know someone who knows someone. Not unless you’re part of the underground, the cats who ride the rails. The drifters, hobos, and punks that hitch like it’s a living. And why shouldn’t they? They ain’t got no other livin’.

Crew Change - Becka Vees | Train Hopping

You won’t find a copy because The Crew Change is the stowaway’s bible. It’s the Anarchist’s Cookbook of the rails; a complete guide to when, where, and how to catch a free ride… without getting caught.

Heads up! I’m on TV. Catch me Wednesday nights on The Audience Canada at 10PM on The W Network. Tune back in to where you can catch direct links to the episodes I’m in.

Download Crew Change HERE on iTunes or stream at it the link below.