Who Charted?

Not to name names, but SOMEBODY ranked above even Doug Loves Movies, Kevin Smith’s SModCast, and CBC News as of yesterday. If that weren’t enough, The Lapse is featured on the front page of the Canadian iTunes store as I write this.

I have personally hand-written notes going out to those who left a review and gave me their address. Real, God’s honest snail mail personally written by me to you. If that seems like overkill, it’s not; those reviews are the reason Apple has chosen to promote this show.

That offer is still open. If you’d like a hand-written letter from me to you, leave a review on iTunes. Then either Facebook, Tweet, or email stories@thelapse.org with your details. It’d mean that much to me.

Look, I don’t know how these things are calculated. But this is crazy, guys. Lunatic. Bananas. I am flabbergasted by the outpouring of support for both myself and the show.

Thank you. Truly.

Much love from your host,
Kyle Gest.

The Lapse Storytelling Podcast is featured on iTunes!

Secret Mexican Popstar by Mann Cuevas | Episode 3

Mann Cuevas is a #1 hit-single popstar. Between you and I? It’s a secret.

A visit to Manuel’s work in Vancouver might net you a free cup of coffee. A step off the plane with Mann in Mexico will likely get you trampled. For everyone who wonders what it’s like to be Clark Kent, this is your episode.

Manuel Cuevas

Whether you’re familiar with his work or not, you should absolutely listen to the Mann himself, including his brand new Terra EP. Even if you’re not a fan of the genre, the Mexican music industry is a fascinating wild-west of a place. If you just can’t get enough Mann in your life, check out his hour-long documentary, MANN:2013.

To be honest, I’m excited to see the turnout for this one. Either you’ve not a clue who Mann Cuevas is… or you know exactly who he is and that’s the only reason you’re listening to this podcast. I’ll update you on the stats in the weeks to come. ¡Órale! Mexico!

Get it on iTunes or the link below.

A Virgin Too Lucky by Marshall Whitlock | Episode 2

When you’re a virgin, sex for the first time seems impossible. The older you get, the more futile the fantasy. But as the cliche goes, be careful what you wish for. Marshall Whitlock was one virgin too lucky.

Marshall Whitlock's Virginity



This marks the second episode of The Lapse and I couldn’t be more excited to share it. Marshall and I were university buds, a combo, like ale and bitters. Strong, dark, stout. Recommended in moderation. Trust me when I say this: you know a guy well enough, you’re certain to pull a good goddamned story out of him. Not the least of which is how he lost his virginity.

I’ll make my listeners a bet: if you’ve lost your virginity in a more incredible, more outlandish way, send us a message. We’ll have you on the show.

Check out the episode below or nab it on iTunes.

The Lapse Guests on The 4 Eyed Forecast

The Lapse Guests 4 Eyed Forecast

Yours truly, Kyle Gest, made a guest appearance on this week’s episode of The 4 Eyed Forecast! Give ‘er a listen for a behind-the-scenes peek at just how the sausage gets made here at The Lapse Storytelling Podcast. It ain’t always pretty, but we make a damn fine sausage.

I’ve known Bryce & Andy since my university days, back before my brain and my liver knew better. They’re an excellent duo, hilariously self-effacing, bringing you the latest in strange news, nerdom, and their daily lives. They’ve been at the podcasting game for nearly two years now. Give them a laugh for those long, lonely days.

Kyle makes a promise! For every single person that leaves a review on iTunes (you’ll need to launch the app) and sends a message to The Lapse Storytelling Podcast on Facebook will receive a personal, hand-written thank you. Real snail-mail, stamped and mailed to your address. My letter will take longer than your review, and I’ll love you to pieces for it.

Kyle Gest on Rain City Chronicles

Rain City Chronicles is a fabulous storytelling collective local to Vancouver. It just so happens yours truly, Kyle Gest, shared a hell of a story this past November. The theme? Tales From Public School.

I’d been meaning to pitch to Rain City Chronicles for months, maybe a year, but the theme never fit. Weddings and funerals, hotel stories. Nothing I’d had much experience with. But high school? Fair warning. It’s a little tense. You can find the story on iTunes here. Specifically, you’ll find Kyle at 27:25.

Kyle Gest Rain City Chronicles


The response was overwhelming. I had a young woman personally shake my hand and thank me for sharing that story. If that’s not a testament to the power of storytelling, hell. I don’t know where Cloud 9 is supposed to be, but I’m sure I was somewhere in the vicinity

Rain City Chronicles has another storytelling event this Saturday, February 15th. “Love Hangover” is the theme. Tickets are available here.