The Upside of Cancer by TJ Kelly | Episode 1

Even cancer has a silver lining, at least when you listen to TJ Kelly’s story. With her, the very fist episode of The Lapse is LIVE!

I met TJ on a television show, of all things, debuting at the end of March. She’s a fabulous, funny lady that’ll make you laugh even in spite of her circumstances. We stumbled into the story when I asked her about her blog, a site she once owned called Girl in a Van, chronicling her adventures across the U.S. She’d stopped writing for it. When I asked her why, she told me she’d need a couple more drinks first.

I obliged.

You don’t expect the C Word after a couple drinks. Where TJ’s road trip ends is where this story begins. She hopes to one day publish a memoir on her experience.

Sidenote: It’s my birthday! Please do me one little thing. Like The Lapse on Facebook and share it with somebody, anybody. It’d sincerely help me out. That means more content from The Lapse and the possibility of food on my table. Get the episode here on iTunes.


The Lapse Podcast Launches February 10th

It’s finally happening! After months of interviews, transcriptions, recording, writing, and editing, The Lapse Podcast is ready to launch. What a whole bunch of work this turned out to be.

“Wait!” You say, your legs screeching mid-brake. “Just what the dang heck is The Lapse?” Check our About The Show page, stranger. We tell true stories. Gussied up.

Don’t miss it! Our first episode, The Upside of Cancer, launches Monday night, February 10th. Trust us. Your ears’ll thank you.

And hey. If you’ve got a story to tell, please share it with us. We want to hear it.